Lead Generation

What’s Your One Thing That Will Make All the Difference?
I am a fan of anyone who is a master of their craft. It takes dedication and hard work to become regarded as one of the best in any field you choose to focus on. One such idol of mine is Jerry Seinfeld. A man so famously known that you don’t even need to say…
This is What Extraordinary Customer Service Looks Like
Technology advances in the real estate industry were already moving at warp speed prior to the pandemic with companies like Zillow, Open Door and Trulia harnessing the power of big data to capture the attention of buyers and sellers. However, technology – regardless of how shiny and new – cannot compete with exceptional customer service…
What Has COVID-19 Taught You? Never lose the lesson.
Winston Churchill eloquently said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” COVID-19 has presented itself as an opportunity to flounder or flourish. Crises gives way to opportunities that would not normally be present. However, the onus is on us to seize the lesson. Quarantine and physical distancing has forced us to adapt, learn and…
5 Ways to Win in a Multiple Offer Situation
As a real estate professional, you’re on the front line of what is likely one’s most expensive, stressful and exhilarating moments of their life. Buying a house is not something most of us forget, so it’s important that you help make the experience seamless, relaxed and enjoyable for your buyers. How do you do this…
The Economic Impact of COVID-19 in Canada
Benjamin TalDeputy Chief Economist CIBC Capital Markets I recently had the privilege of interviewing CIBC’s Deputy Chief Economist, Benjamin Tal, on the impact of COVID-19 on our economy and in particular, the real estate market. This informative, candid conversation touched on everything from immigration to interest rates, inflation to unemployment; and of course, includes a…
5 Ways to Stay Productive in Real Estate During COVID-19
The world is in crisis mode and while no one is entirely sure how long it will last or what the lasting impact will be, we are still in control of what we do today. So, what does that mean for real estate professionals and your business activities now? Should you…
A Fresh Approach to Social Media in 2018
You’re sitting in a restaurant you’ve never been to before, trying to decide what to order. When the waiter comes around, you ask him, “What would you recommend?” He might say, “Everything here is great,” but he might also say something like, “The salmon is amazing. I know fish isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but…
Converting Market Statistics to Real Estate Market Intelligence
In today’s information prosperous world, communicating your value is more challenging and more important than ever. The fact is, many buyers and sellers believe they know as much (or more) than the average real estate professional today. So how do you rise above this mindset? It’s simple but not easy. Your job is to communicate…
5 REALTORS® Who Are Doing Video Right
RRI coaching members are extremely talented and we’re always excited to feature them. Video is hot (and here to stay) so I thought I’d show you some creative videos our members have produced and break down what they’re doing right. Here are 5 RRI coaching members (who are active real estate professionals) and their incredible…
5 DIY Tips to Jazz up Your Website
Is your website helping or hurting you? Let me start by asking you this question: When you’re thinking of hiring someone for a job (a contractor for instance), what is the first thing you do when vetting this person or organization? You “Google” them and visit their website, of course! So, you’d better believe your…