
A Simple Way to Bring More Joy to Your Days During Times of Uncertainty
In times of uncertainty and crisis, fear can be overwhelming. It can hijack our thoughts and take us down some pretty dark paths. Finding our back from the darkness and sparking joy, even just for a short time, is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves. In this week’s video, I share something…
7 Ideas to Better Serve Your Buyers and Sellers During the COVID-19 Outbreak
What makes you a great real estate professional is not just your specialized market expertise and negotiating skills. It’s also your ability to guide buyers, sellers and homeowner clients in times of uncertainty. As a real estate professional, you are trusted with the keys to your clients’ most valuable asset. Sellers open their homes to…
The Power of Simple Pleasures
Life is busy. Dealing with the minutia of the day-to-day and with what seems like endless commitments, it’s easy to get caught up in the chase and the “doing, doing, doing.” As a result, we often forget to slow down long enough to “smell the roses” so to speak and spend time on a few…
The Truth About Being Mindful
“Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.” For almost a decade, this quote has sat perched just above my computer screen in my office. I naively thought that hanging this quote at my sight line with it’s sandy beach and crystal blue ocean image might help me be…
Feng Shui and Serving Your Real Estate Clients Better
In a recent survey, 81% of Chinese-Americans indicated that feng shui encouraged their most recent home purchase1 and 36% of those surveyed also said they would avoid a real estate professional if they had NO knowledge of the principles of feng shui With more than 20% of Canada’s population being foreign-born (60 percent coming from Asia,…
Double Your Productivity Using The Science of Willpower
Did you know, your brain is roughly 2% of your body weight but it uses 20% of your energy?1 Why is that? It’s because discipline (willpower) requires our brain which in turn depletes our energy. Throughout the day, we exercise discipline to make a million decisions. This is why it’s much harder to do things…
35 Ways to Get Inspired Right Now
It happens to the best of us – things are going along relatively smooth, you feel good, in control and then, crash; you hit a wall. Maybe you’re in a busy market and you’re feeling burned out. Maybe you find yourself in a slower market and you’re feeling uninspired to prepare and prospect. Regardless of…
ReadFor Those Who Need An Extra Hour in Their Day
Admittedly in my early years, I was not a “morning person.” In fact, in my teens, my mom would have to tip my mattress on its side just to get me out of bed. As I matured, my interest was sparked in discovering what made some people more successful than others. What I discovered is this:…
5 Steps to Making Good Habits Last
Written by Guest Blogger & Certified RRi Coach Jeanne Olson We’ve all seen it and done it. In life we often say, “I’m going to quit smoking; I’m going to lose weight; I’m going to stop drinking.” In business we might say, “I’m going to get up early; I’m going to prospect every day;…
I am lucky to be alive!
Sadly, I believe that our healthcare system is somewhat backwards. Rather than focusing on proactive, preventative care, I see it as being primarily reactive. With good reason I know, as our healthcare system is painfully overloaded. However, other than an annual physical, most people only see their doctor when they actually get sick or symptomatic….