
What’s Your One Thing That Will Make All the Difference?
I am a fan of anyone who is a master of their craft. It takes dedication and hard work to become regarded as one of the best in any field you choose to focus on. One such idol of mine is Jerry Seinfeld. A man so famously known that you don’t even need to say…
This is What Extraordinary Customer Service Looks Like
Technology advances in the real estate industry were already moving at warp speed prior to the pandemic with companies like Zillow, Open Door and Trulia harnessing the power of big data to capture the attention of buyers and sellers. However, technology – regardless of how shiny and new – cannot compete with exceptional customer service…
What Has COVID-19 Taught You? Never lose the lesson.
Winston Churchill eloquently said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” COVID-19 has presented itself as an opportunity to flounder or flourish. Crises gives way to opportunities that would not normally be present. However, the onus is on us to seize the lesson. Quarantine and physical distancing has forced us to adapt, learn and…
5 Ways to Win in a Multiple Offer Situation
As a real estate professional, you’re on the front line of what is likely one’s most expensive, stressful and exhilarating moments of their life. Buying a house is not something most of us forget, so it’s important that you help make the experience seamless, relaxed and enjoyable for your buyers. How do you do this…
A Simple Way to Bring More Joy to Your Days During Times of Uncertainty
In times of uncertainty and crisis, fear can be overwhelming. It can hijack our thoughts and take us down some pretty dark paths. Finding our back from the darkness and sparking joy, even just for a short time, is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves. In this week’s video, I share something…
The Power of Simple Pleasures
Life is busy. Dealing with the minutia of the day-to-day and with what seems like endless commitments, it’s easy to get caught up in the chase and the “doing, doing, doing.” As a result, we often forget to slow down long enough to “smell the roses” so to speak and spend time on a few…
The Truth About Being Mindful
“Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.” For almost a decade, this quote has sat perched just above my computer screen in my office. I naively thought that hanging this quote at my sight line with it’s sandy beach and crystal blue ocean image might help me be…
Micro-Bravery to Build Business Confidence
Have you noticed that when you meet someone famous or well respected, they tend to have a certain air about them? You can tell they are a star just by looking at them. This is confidence. The most successful agents all have confidence. They prospect consistently, they ask tough questions, they say no to unqualified…
20 Ways to Deliver the Unexpected
Surprise your clients, team, and loved ones with a gift to make their day. Drop off baked goods Promote a local business on social media Write and mail a hand-written thank you note Send a bottle of champagne for celebrations Make a gift donation to a cause that you know your client cares about…
Reading With Richard – Happiness and Motivation
. Looking for some inspiration? Here’s a list of my favorite books on happiness and motivation. . Happiness The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor In line with the BE, DO, HAVE model we teach at RRi, The Happiness Advantage promotes the theory that happiness fuels success, not the other way around. . Authentic Happiness…