3 Easy Ways to Motivate Yourself in Minutes
Video Blog by Richard Robbins May 18, 2015 [vc_video title=”” link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiTW18hzeC4″] Staying motivated and exited about your business and life is a something that eludes far too many people today. Our homes are bigger, we have more cars, we have more stuff and we have more choice – yet studies reveal depression is up to…
The Key To Happiness
It has been scientifically proven that success doesn’t lead to happiness … happiness leads to success. I just finished reading a book titled, “Flourish” by Martin Seligman, who many consider the father of positive psychology. In his research, he’s found that even though life is better than it was 50 years ago, we’re actually 10…
Are You Busy or Are You Productive?
Guaranteed Success: What are Your Top 3? “Few things are as dangerous as being busy.” – Robin Sharma It seems we’ve all mastered the art of being busy. Ask around—you won’t find many people who wish they were busier. But I think Oprah said it best: “The essential question is not, ‘How busy are you?’…
The Give Factor
I would suggest that most of us begin each new year charged with excitement and filled with hope for a future that will be a little (or perhaps a lot) better than our past. Unfortunately, even with our newfound enthusiasm on January 1, many seem doomed to live lives that are almost an exact replica…