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Want to have a breakthrough in 2011? Set a Breakthrough Goal
What one goal, if achieved would have the greatest positive impact on you? Last year I posed that question to our Beyond Coaching Members, and challenged them to set and pursue a Breakthrough Goal. Many stepped up, but no one more than Tracy Mullin. Tracy is a long-time coaching client. She?s a self-employed, 42-year-old single…
How Referral Worthy are You?
“Referrals come through who you are, not what you sell.” -Bill Cates, The Referral Coach It?s no secret that referrals are the foundation to any successful sales business. Almost any thriving sales professional will tell you that the clients that come from within are easier to acquire, easier to work with, and continue to…
Get Rid of Your Junk
“The idea of being all things to all people is a thing of the past.”– Michael Dell I recently watched an interview on YouTube featuring the CEO of Nike, Mark Parker, and Robert Safian, Editor of Fast Company. Parker mentions a conversation he had with the CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs, where he asked Jobs…
41 Ways to Have Your Best Year Ever in Real Estate
The new year is a time of possibility and excitement, and as we move into 2011, I hope that you haven?t lost the sense of opportunity that comes with a fresh start. Despite the new year buzz, though, it?s easy to slip back into regular routines and old habits. Once that happens, your new year…
Einstein and the Grinch: On Happiness and Success in 2011
Einstein once said, ?Not everything that can be counted counts?and not everything that counts can be counted.? Once again, the famous scientist was proving himself to be just as much a philosopher as a physicist. But he was also leaving us with a conundrum of sorts. Einstein was asking a question we?ve all asked ourselves:…
Embrace The Challenge
?Don?t wish things were easier, wish you were better.? – Jim Rohn It?s estimated that 100 million people will watch the Super Bowl this Sunday in Dallas. Of those, the most devoted will fork over thousands of dollars for a ticket to watch the game live. After just 60 minutes of football, the game…
Compete To Be Unique: Creating a Competitor-Free Zone
The greatest challenge facing many people and organizations today is their inability to stand out when what they are offering appears to most people as the same products or services that everyone else is offering. When we continually compete and compare ourselves to others, we become trapped in their game, and worse – we lose…
3 Steps to Powerful Performance
Call me an optimist, but I believe everyone is interested in positive change. I believe everyone would like to improve the quality of their life and/or the success of their business in some way. I think it is also fair to say that we would all like to be more productive, make more money, improve…
The Gift Economy
I stopped at a Starbucks that had just opened a block from my house not too long ago. Unbeknownst to me, they were having a “grand opening special!” Not only was my coffee free, but they packed a tetra pack of 10 cups of coffee for me to take back to my office for free….
The Give Factor
I would suggest that most of us begin each new year charged with excitement and filled with hope for a future that will be a little (or perhaps a lot) better than our past. Unfortunately, even with our newfound enthusiasm on January 1, many seem doomed to live lives that are almost an exact replica…