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Do You Need to Dump the Duds?
?I don?t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.? – Bill Cosby Like many people, I find flights often provide a good stretch of uninterrupted time to think, read or work. On a recent trip to Las Vegas, I used a four-hour stretch to prepare for…
An Unforgettable Customer Service Experience
“A business absolutely devoted to service will have only one worry about profits. They will be embarrassingly large.” -Henry Ford My bubble of excitement burst late one evening as I packed for a long weekend in Florida. I was anxious to thaw out from the frigid cold weather we?d been experiencing in the…
Why Business Coaching Works
The greatest gap in life is the one between knowing & doing. – Dick Biggs There is a line from a radio commercial for a weight loss clinic that proclaims, ?If you could do it on you own you would have already done it!? While that may seem obvious on the surface, I would suggest…
What do Mick Jagger and Bon Jovi Have to Do with Business?
“The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.” -Ferdinand Foch On February 13, Mick Jagger was moving on the stage at the Grammys like a forty year-old. He?s 67! The next day, my wife and I went to a Bon Jovi concert for Valentine?s Day. They were outstanding. After 27…
What Animal Are You?
I just finished reading the extraordinary book, Surviving Your Serengeti: 7 Skills to Master Business and Life by Stefan Swanepoel. The book is a fable set in the Serengeti, where nearly two million wildebeest, zebras and gazelles run a 1000-mile migratory journey each year, one filled with hunger, thirst, predators, and exhaustion. As Stefan says…
I Just Want to Say Thank You
I know this is a clich?. But I really am the luckiest guy in the world! This past Saturday I celebrated my 50th birthday. The celebration actually started more than a week before my birthday, though, with a surprise party at my house. Well?it wasn?t a complete surprise?when I saw tents erected in my back…
Are You Doing The Important Work?
?The great challenge in life is not just knowing what to do. It?s doing what we know.?-Richard Robbins One of the great struggles in North America is losing weight. Yet the harder we struggle, the larger we seem to get. Each year there are hundreds, if not thousands of diet books published to show…
Is The World Getting To See Your Best?
I recently reread one of my favourite books, The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz. I first read it in 1998, then again in 2003. A few weeks ago, I picked it off my shelf to read for a third time. You may be thinking I?m a slow learner, but books speak in different ways…
Refresh, Recharge and Refocus
As I head home today after a wonderful family holiday, I find myself feeling refreshed, recharged and refocused. After almost every holiday, I feel more relaxed, ready and quite honestly a little anxious to get back to work with what always seems to be a fresh perspective. I am always so fascinated at how we…
All Work and No Play
?All Work and No Play? is the title of a recent Globe and Mail article written by one of my favourite columnists, Margaret Wente. The article compares the number hours a person works each year in 6 different countries. Below is an excerpt from this article: ?Germany is currently the most successful and productive nation…