What Does Small Thinking Look Like?

I always find it interesting that the first people to register for our events or join our coaching programs are often already successful. But what’s more interesting is that when I ask the unsuccessful why the successful are always the first to join, they will always answer the same way: because they have the money! What the unsuccessful fail to ask themselves is how did they get that money in the first place? While each successful person came to their success by different paths, they all have this in common: They invest in themselves.

I was recently approached by real estate agent shortly after finishing a talk. He told me many of his colleagues had recommended one of our training retreats, but since the event was 90 minutes away from his hometown, there was no chance of him attending as he hates big cites, hates traffic and isn’t in a position to be paying for downtown hotel prices. This is what small thinking looks like! It’s no wonder he can’t afford a hotel, as he is not willing to inconvenience or invest in himself. Sad!

Small thinkers ask “how much will it cost?” Big thinkers ask themselves “how much will it be worth?” Small thinkers say “I can’t afford it”. Big thinkers ask “how can I afford it?” By no means am I an advocate of spending beyond your means, but some get so busy chasing pennies, the dollars are walking out the door.

If you think I am writing this just so you will consider our products and services, that’s what small thinking looks like! If you do, that would be great for both of us; however, the true intention behind writing this is because I am passionate about seeing more people thinking big, bringing more value to the world, serving more people and becoming what they are capable of becoming… because that serves us all.

When has THINKING BIG served you? Share your stories, successes and comments below!