The Story Behind Deliver the Unexpected

Deliver the UnexpectedWriting a book is no small task. Since the launch of Deliver the Unexpected, I’ve been asked numerous times why I wanted to take on such a large project.  The simple answer is that writing is a fundamental part of our business and of my work as a speaker, and creating a book was a natural extension of that.
But the real “why” of Deliver the Unexpected is a lot less about about me, and a lot more about the thousands of people we’ve worked with over the years and the thousands more that we haven’t yet reached.
I wrote Deliver the Unexpected because it’s the book I wish someone had handed me when I started my career.  It’s what I wish I knew when I found myself struggling, or when I had built a great business only to discover that I was chasing success in a way that wasn’t the least bit sustainable.
In short, I wrote it because I know it will make a difference.
If you’d like to read the first chapter of the book, you can find it here (right click to save the file) >>  Deliver the Unexpected – Chapter One.
I think you’ll find something familiar in the story of Josh and his discoveries about success and happiness. I hope the story resonates for you when you read it as much as it did for me when I wrote it.

Let me know your thoughts about the book, would love to hear from you.

Deliver the Unexpected is available at the following online stores:
Amazon Canada | Amazon US | 800 CEO READ | Chapters | Barnes & Noble