Never Forget, It Always Comes Down to Value.

3 Things All Real Estate Professionals Need to Know About Delivering Value to Today’s Real Estate Consumer.

After all of the new technologies, market predictions, industry ups and downs and changes to the way real estate sales professionals work,  it turns out what really matters is what has ALWAYS mattered.  The value you to provide to your clients and potential clients at a time when they need it most.

Delivering tremendous value is the one ability all great professionals share. The good news is it’s an ability that anyone can master. When you shift your focus from prospecting to educating, your thoughts shift from closing a deal to educating consumers on what they didn’t know, they didn’t know.
When you stop burying people in information and start offering them insight, you’re delivering value. When you stop focusing on the transaction and start becoming a trusted advisor, you bring more value. And when you specialize in a specific area or niche market and truly master it, you bring even more value.

However, to really make it work, you need to remember these 3 things about value:

1. First, the best value is unexpected value.  When you experience the delight of great service or insightful information that you never anticipated, that’s true value.
Unexpected value can’t be beat.
2.  Second, value needs to be communicated.  Much of the change ahead is about perception. Consumers are trying to justify your value. With the tools to buy and/or learn just about anything online, potentials clients and clients often perceive the value of real estate related services as lower.  Your job is to change that perception, and communicate value with absolute clarity.  Remember, making your value apparent is your responsibility.
3. Third, you must believe in your value.  The internet and information age may have given consumers a fresh independence in their real estate transactions, but it’s also given them a false confidence. Your clients may have information and tools, but they don’t have your experience, wisdom or insight.  

Never underestimate the value you bring to this industry.  It’s extraordinary!