Are You Interested or Are You Committed?

When people discover what I do for a living, I quite often hear this: “I’ve always wanted to give real estate a try!”  My response is always the same: please don’t! Now, you may be wondering why I would say this, especially since I am in the business of training real estate sales professionals. But if there is one thing I know for sure, it’s that nobody succeeds at anything by “just giving it a try.”

We all know the failure rate in the first few years of real estate is off the charts. Why? The barriers of entry into the real estate industry are relatively low by comparison to other professions. You don’t need to spend years in school; there’s no apprenticing period and it’s doesn’t require a significant financial investment like many new businesses. Consequently, many people get into the business of selling real estate are merely interested in giving it a try.  However, to succeed in this great profession, and as in any great profession, you must be committed to your success.

I would humbly suggest that everyone is interested in success,
but very few are truly committed to their success.

When things get tough, those interested in success will always look for a way out (or an excuse not to succeed). The committed, on the other hand, always find solutions and strive to make things work. The committed don’t wish for things to get easier – they look for ways to improve, learn and grow.

Commitment is the foundation for success in every area of life from marriage, to family, to business – commitment makes everything work.

Was Steve Jobs “interested” in technology?
Are Olympians “interested” in their sport?

Without commitment, we can only hope for mediocrity.  So back to my original question: Are you interested or are you committed? Let me know in the comments below.